Digital Addiction: Social Networking ~ A 24/7 Distraction

Addiction defined is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.  In a recent article in the Boston Herald stating, “What began as a method of emergency contact has evolved into a 24/7 distraction, spurring what many would classify as a digital addiction for adults and teens alike,” underscores the need for parents, […]

Social Media Trolls ~ Purpose and Prevention

According to the report, “What is behind the spike in Russian social media activity?” shown in a news clip Monday, April 17, 2018, the Pentagon reported there has been a 2000% increase in Russian social media trolling since the US strike on Syria on Friday. What does this mean and should the US and other countries be […]

FERPA and Social Networking

School district personnel need to ask the question:  Is your use of social networking FERPA compliant? The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.  The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.  You can read […]

Teach Students To Use Social Media The Right Way

Focusing on the positive impact of social media in the classroom, teach students to use social media the right way by demonstrating why it’s important to be proficient in digital communications skills such as texting, tweeting, and Instagramming. Use social media to foster collaborative community learning environments.  Get creative and involve students in how collaborative learning environments might be achieved.  Encourage […]

Impact of Social Media on Learning

Does social media impact learning?  Let’s look at the positive and negative impact of social media on learning. Positive impact for learning ~ digital communication skills that need to be mastered including texting, tweeting, and Instagramming can be strengthened.  Students are more willing to complete assignments when they can use technology to research and share information, communicate or […]

YouTube Safety: Get Involved

Are you involved with  kids safety online, especially when it comes to YouTube? If so, what tips could you offer other parents about  keeping kids safe on YouTube? What are some safety factors that parents tend to overlook but that are of vital importance to know about YouTube? When using YouTube ask yourself the following: Do you know […]

Facebook:10 Reasons To Spend Less Time

Personal free time spent checking Facebook and other social media sites takes time that could be spent with someone in your real life. How do you define friends? The definition of friend has become fuzzy in our  social media world.  Facebook friends may like your posts but most won’t be available in real time or when you truly […]

What Parents And Teachers Can Do To Prevent Cyberbullying

We have all heard stories and read statistics about cyberbullying at home and on school campuses. Parents and teachers need to work together to combat this epidemic. According to Cyberbullying Statistics: ~Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online. ~More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyber threats. ~Over 25% of adolescents and teens have […]

What Is Cyberbullying?

The dictionary defines cyberbullying as the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. It is very easy to become a victim of cyberbullying in the digital age. According to, “Cyberbullying generally takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets.  Cyberbullying can occur through […]