What is Your Child Watching Online?

It was an honor to present recently on- What is Your Child Watching Online in collaboration with Mountain Youth Community. To view the entire presentation- CLICK HERE! I discuss how technology can lead to gaming addiction, depression, and anxiety. Dr. Lisa Strohman
Cyber bullying and your kids: the types of online bullying, signs and what to do

More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyber bullying and more than 60 percent of teens surveyed have reported being bullied or were the bully online. Like bullying in real life, cyber bullying is consistent harassment that can cause a person to become seriously alarmed, embarrassed, feel threatened, annoyed or hurt. It occurs […]
The one documentary every parents with teens should watch right now

One of Netflix’s latest documentaries, Social_Animals dives deep into the world of three teenagers whose lives have changed because of social media. There’s Kaylyn, a 15-year-old whose rise to internet fame and her journey into fashion is documented; Humza, a daredevil photographer known for stunning images from unfathomable — and dangerous heights — in New […]
How Can Parents Protect Their Kids from Cyberbullying?

Did you know that roughly half of teens have been cyberbullied? Considering that 80 percent of kids have access to social media in the palm of their hands, this number shouldn’t be that surprising. In fact, cyberbullying is so common and out of control that most students either expect it will happen to them at some […]
Cyberbullying, Bullying, and Suicide What We Know

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “It is a time to share resources and stories in an effort to shed light on this highly taboo and stigmatized topic.” Raising awareness about suicidal ideation and offering viable treatment resources and services can offer support to victims and their […]
A Global Look at Cyberbullying Among Young Children and Teens

It is well documented that bullying has moved from the playground into our virtual world. More and more families and educators have become aware that cyberbullying is a pervasive global issue impacting tens of thousands of young children, teens (and adults) each day. So, while awareness is gaining momentum, the question remains – Are numbers of cyberbullying incidents decreasing? The Research In […]
Social Media Trolls ~ Purpose and Prevention

According to the report, “What is behind the spike in Russian social media activity?” shown in a news clip Monday, April 17, 2018, the Pentagon reported there has been a 2000% increase in Russian social media trolling since the US strike on Syria on Friday. What does this mean and should the US and other countries be […]
Impact of Social Media on Learning

Does social media impact learning? Let’s look at the positive and negative impact of social media on learning. Positive impact for learning ~ digital communication skills that need to be mastered including texting, tweeting, and Instagramming can be strengthened. Students are more willing to complete assignments when they can use technology to research and share information, communicate or […]
Facebook:10 Reasons To Spend Less Time

Personal free time spent checking Facebook and other social media sites takes time that could be spent with someone in your real life. How do you define friends? The definition of friend has become fuzzy in our social media world. Facebook friends may like your posts but most won’t be available in real time or when you truly […]
What Parents And Teachers Can Do To Prevent Cyberbullying

We have all heard stories and read statistics about cyberbullying at home and on school campuses. Parents and teachers need to work together to combat this epidemic. According to Cyberbullying Statistics: ~Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online. ~More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyber threats. ~Over 25% of adolescents and teens have […]