5 ways to stop your teen from texting and driving

Is your teen driving? If so, you’re going to need to know these startling facts: – Distraction is a key factor in an astounding 58 percent of crashes involving drivers ages 16 – 19 (distraction covers texting, talking on the phone, using a mobile device to access the internet while driving, using social media or […]
Parents, this is one app you need to protect your children from

If you haven’t been paying attention to what’s going on in the world of apps for kids, I beg of you, please start now. The other week, the Amino app hit the news for a reason which terrifies me: a young girl was in one of the “rooms” in the app and was asked by […]
Does your school allow technology in the classroom? Here’s what you need to know.

When we went to school, there was no such thing as social media. In fact, it’s safe to say that when we were in school, the idea of even bringing cell phones onto school grounds was not allowed. Well, times have certainly changed. Now, not only are some schools allowing children to bring in their […]
How to spot a catfish online

Anyone can be catfished. Anyone. Teens, however, are more susceptible than others to be catfished because they are more vulnerable and less likely to be suspicious of a stranger’s motivation for reaching out to them online. Before I dive in to the ins and outs of catfishing, it’s important to understand what it is and […]
13 Reasons Why is renewed by Netflix and it’s dangerous

The other week kids around the country were dealt a dangerous blow when Netflix renewed the controversial “13 Reasons Why” for its third season. At first glance, it’s a network series that documents the events that lead up to — and after — a teenager’s suicide. But, once you wash away the Hollywood spin on […]
3 parental monitoring apps every parent should download

School is about to start, and with that comes pressure from kids to be online. You already know about some of the risks children face when they have access to the online world. From cyberbullying to predators to kids posting things they shouldn’t, it’s an entirely different world for kids (and parents) to navigate. But, […]
Forget seeing what you look like older, this is what really happens when you download the Face App

The hottest app being downloaded to smart phones around the nation is FaceApp. Developed by Wireless Lab, a Russian company, the app transforms photos of faces to look younger or older, make them smile or change their genders. But, is downloading this — or any — app actually safe? My short answer: absolutely not. PHOTO: […]
What age should my child be allowed to go on social media?

Is there any age when it is safe for kids to get on social media? If it was up to me, no child would ever have access to any of the various platforms until their brains are fully developed. I equate it to someone getting behind the wheel of a car … without brakes. There […]
How to spot a predator online

With an estimated 950,000 predators that can be online at any given time, shouldn’t you be learning more about how to protect your children? Historically, predators are typically older males, but in recent years and with the increased access of online platforms, we are starting to see younger and younger men target our children. Predators […]
5 things that happen when your child plays violent video games

Violent video games like Popular Wars and Fortnite are still getting talked about a lot these days. Kids seem to be drawn to these violent video games, and with a focus on mass killing, we know that this isn’t good for them. Although there are still some monitoring programs that haven’t been taken off the […]