Anxiety Education Series with Gaggle

Dr. Lisa joins the educators at Gaggle to speak on the topic of Anxiety and how it impacts our students everyday. She shares valuable tips on how to cope with stress, steps to take to reduce anxiety, and some warning signs when individuals start to spiral. Please take the time to listen to the full webinar […]
Eating Disorders Education Series with Gaggle

Dr. Lisa joined the Gaggle community again to speak about the sensitive topic of Eating Disorders and how they affect our students. Some helpful tips on warning signs and action steps to take when a child is suffering were shared during this webinar. Please take the time to listen to the full webinar here.
Cutting Education Series with Gaggle
Dr. Lisa was pleased to join the educational leaders of Gaggle to speak on the topic of Cutting. There was a lot of valuable information shared about signs of cutting as well as what to do when you suspect a child or student is engaging in the act of cutting. Please take the time to listen to […]
Holiday Blues Education Series with Gaggle

Dr. Lisa joined the Gaggle community to speak about The Holiday Blues and ways to stay healthy and positive this holiday season. They covered some easy and helpful tips on what to lookout for in terms of mental health around the holidays. You can join the conversation and listen to the full webinar here!
What is Your Child Watching Online?

It was an honor to present recently on- What is Your Child Watching Online in collaboration with Mountain Youth Community. To view the entire presentation- CLICK HERE! I discuss how technology can lead to gaming addiction, depression, and anxiety. Dr. Lisa Strohman
FBI Profiling

Sometimes the only way to truly appreciate something is to immerse yourself in it. It was like that with me and law enforcement. Sure I always had a respect for it, but I did not truly learn its value, and the value of those in the law enforcement community, until I worked with the FBI. […]
How schools can handle bullying

October is National Bullying Prevention Month and it’s my goal to raise awareness about bullying — both online and in the real world. With honest conversations we can start a meaningful dialogue about how we can work together to combat bullying no matter where it may occur. Because much of my work is with students […]
Does your school allow technology in the classroom? Here’s what you need to know.

When we went to school, there was no such thing as social media. In fact, it’s safe to say that when we were in school, the idea of even bringing cell phones onto school grounds was not allowed. Well, times have certainly changed. Now, not only are some schools allowing children to bring in their […]