Dr. Lisa Strohman talks technology and balance with Hallmark’s Home and Family

Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses raising kids in a technology addicted world, screentime and balance with Hallmark’s Home & Family. 20877176
Dr. Lisa Strohman talks navigating summer break in MASK Magazine

Dr. Lisa Strohman is MASK Magazine’s college life skills expert. In this article, she discusses how parents should navigate summer break when their kids return home. She stresses the importance of expectations and accountability for both parties. A must-read for parents of college-bound or college-aged children. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/TWC_Mask_Summer2017.pdf
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Kim Komando to discuss sexting and its dangers

In this episode of Kim Komando’s podcast, Dr. Strohman discusses the threats and dangers of sexting, while sharing how can you keep your kids from being exposed to obscene material and sharing it with others.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks Preparing For Peer Pressure In MASK Magazine

Dr. Lisa Strohman is MASK Magazine’s college life skills expert. In this article, she discusses how parents should talk about college life expectations and provide guidance to their college-bound kids on how to handle certain situations. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/TWC_MASK_Spring2017.pdf
Dr. Lisa Strohman Joins ABC7 Eyewitness News to Discuss Technology Threats and Dangers

Dr. Lisa Strohman,discusses her new venture, Digital Citizen Academy with ABC7 Eyewitness News and how the educational and diversion programs can help students, educators and parents deal with technology related issues such as cyberbullying, sexting, cheating etc
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses Teen Suicide Rates and Technologies Impact with The Doctors

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center joins The Doctors to discuss the increase in teen suicide rates and how technology use is a big contributor.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses Cyberbullying, Sextortion, Smartphone Apps and Social Media at Crime Watch Daily Town Hall (Part 2)

Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Chris Hansen of Crime Watch Daily to discuss the signs parents need to watch for and learn the secrets in your kids’ smartphones before it’s too late, while providing three simple tips that every parent should note.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses Cyberbullying, Sextortion, Smartphone Apps and Social Media at Crime Watch Daily town hall (Part 1)

Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Chris Hansen of Crime Watch Daily to discuss the signs parents need to watch for and learn the secrets in your kids’ smartphones before it’s too late, while providing three simple tips that every parent should note.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses The Augmented Reality of Beauty Apps

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center explains why augmented beauty apps are causing adult women to experience higher levels of anxiety in an interview with SWAAY. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/TWC_SwayArticle_Nov252016.pdf
Dr. Lisa Strohman Joins PBS On Election Day To Discuss Voting Behavior

Dr. Lisa Strohman talks to Ted Simon, host of Arizona Horizon (PBS) about the psychological factors associated with voting behavior. She explores the topic of voter anxiety and why people vote the way that they do.