Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses how she’s make a difference for our kids with Uptown Magazine

Dr. Lisa Strohman, director of Technology Wellness Center was featured in, “Moms Making A Difference,” special in the May 2016 issue of Uptown Magazine. The piece showcased the causes close to her heart, and her plight to help make the world a better place for our children. [dt_button size=”medium” style=”light” animation=”fadeIn” color_mode=”” icon=”fa fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_align=”right” color=”” […]
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins “This Life” podcast to discuss the impact of technology overuse

Dr. Lisa Strohman, author and founder of Technology Wellness Center joins “This Life:” with Dr. Drew and Bob Forrest to talk about how the overuse of technology devices is impacting a generation.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses Social Media Rules With Real Simple

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center discusses the importance of venting offline in order to maintain control of your privacy, while following other rules as parents when it comes sharing and posting to social media. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/TWC_RealSimple_5_2_2016.pdf
Connecting with the Grandkids: Dr. Lisa Strohman Voices Her Concerns

Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses her worries for our oldest and youngest generation, and how technology can make them drift further apart with Lovin’ Life After 50. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/TWC_LovinLifeAfter50_May2016.pdf
Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses online dating with Kim Komando

The world of online dating can be difficult to navigate, and it can also be a dangerous place. Check out Kim Komando‘s latest podcast: A Guide to Online Dating with great advice from Dr. Lisa Strohman.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses The Dark Side of Social Media with The List

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Digital Citizen Academy breaks down the negative impact of social media on our lives.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks Teaching Tough Life Lessons in MASK Magazine

Dr. Lisa Strohman, discusses the pressures college students face and how they often compromise their integrity when met with a whole new set of challenges. Strohman offers tips for parents with college-aged children so they can help them during difficult times. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/TWC_LisaMaskCollegeArtice_Winter15.pdf
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Pat McMahon on Morning Scramble to discuss her new book

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center discusses her book, Unplug: Raising Kids in a Technology Addicted World with Morning Scramble host, Pat McMahon. She outlines the issues arising from technology overuse and urges parents to lead by example in their households to create a more balanced environment for their families.
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins the Midday Live Crew to discuss the GOP Debate

Dr. Lisa Strohman join Dr. Drew and Lisa Guerrero on Midday Live to discuss the GOP Debate and how social media plays a role in the political campaign for presidency.
Dr. Lisa Strohman returns to Midday Live to discuss sociopath behavior

Dr. Lisa Strohman joins KABC’s Midday Live for her weekly segment with Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood and discusses a recent news story whereby she analyzes the traits and behaviors of a teen who manipulated her boyfriend to commit suicide. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/DrDrew_9-10-15_1PM.mp3