Technology, Teens, and Media Finding a Healthy Balance
Technology: Fun or Detrimental? It’s fair to say technology for teens is fun and allows them to stay connected to family and friends. But, can

Social Media and Isolation Connection
Smartphone Saturation and Social Media If you’ve walked across any high school campus in America, you’ve seen students congregating in large groups, small groups, with

Technology: Helping or Hurting?
Technology Overload Do your tweens or teenagers reach for their technology the minute they wake up in the morning, have technology with them all throughout

Screen Time and Teens
Hours and Hours of Screen Time Does your teen love to watch TV, play video games, spend hours on the internet, text and send photos

What is your Digital Footprint?!
How It Began -Digital Footprint “Did you know the computer was born not for entertainment or email but out of a need to solve a

Social Media Diet
Social Media Diet It’s the New Year and perhaps you, like many others, find yourself making bold resolutions to diet in 2019? Check the

Gifts of Hope-On and Offline
It’s the holiday season! People of all ages give each other gifts and reach out to show appreciation, gratitude, and compassion for others. Let’s face it, giving makes us happy! A recent

Dealing With Your Personal Device
It’s important to recognize when your kids get stressed. Stick to routines and schedule technology-free downtime of 15-30 minutes each day, so kids can read, draw, listen

Technology Travel Tips for The Holidays
Five Travel Tips for The Holidays If you have ever forgotten or misplaced a device, you’re in good company. Lots of people forget to retrieve their devices from

Can We Get PTSD from the Internet?
Most of us have had occasions where we come across video footage or a photo on our social media feeds that make us feel ill.

ADHD and Sleep in Teens
Teenagers already have such a tumultuous relationship with sleep due to the rapid changes that occur physically, mentally and behaviorally during this stage of development.

Violent Video Games – What Are They Teaching Teens?
If you’ve got teens, here’s a statistic that won’t surprise you: 97 percent of kids in the US ages 12 – 17 play video games.