Digital Addiction: Social Networking ~ A 24/7 Distraction
Addiction defined is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. In a recent article in the Boston Herald stating, “What

Social Media Trolls ~ Purpose and Prevention
According to the report, “What is behind the spike in Russian social media activity?” shown in a news clip Monday, April 17, 2018, the Pentagon reported

FERPA and Social Networking
School district personnel need to ask the question: Is your use of social networking FERPA compliant? The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a Federal law

Teach Students To Use Social Media The Right Way
Focusing on the positive impact of social media in the classroom, teach students to use social media the right way by demonstrating why it’s important to be proficient in digital

Dr. Lisa Strohman talks technology and balance with Hallmark’s Home and Family
Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses raising kids in a technology addicted world, screentime and balance with Hallmark’s Home & Family. 20877176

Dr. Lisa Strohman talks navigating summer break in MASK Magazine
Dr. Lisa Strohman is MASK Magazine’s college life skills expert. In this article, she discusses how parents should navigate summer break when their kids return

Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Kim Komando to discuss sexting and its dangers
In this episode of Kim Komando’s podcast, Dr. Strohman discusses the threats and dangers of sexting, while sharing how can you keep your kids from being

Impact of Social Media on Learning
Does social media impact learning? Let’s look at the positive and negative impact of social media on learning. Positive impact for learning ~ digital communication skills that need

YouTube Safety: Get Involved
Are you involved with kids safety online, especially when it comes to YouTube? If so, what tips could you offer other parents about keeping kids safe on

Facebook:10 Reasons To Spend Less Time
Personal free time spent checking Facebook and other social media sites takes time that could be spent with someone in your real life. How do you define

Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks Preparing For Peer Pressure In MASK Magazine
Dr. Lisa Strohman is MASK Magazine’s college life skills expert. In this article, she discusses how parents should talk about college life expectations and provide

Dr. Lisa Strohman Joins ABC7 Eyewitness News to Discuss Technology Threats and Dangers
Dr. Lisa Strohman,discusses her new venture, Digital Citizen Academy with ABC7 Eyewitness News and how the educational and diversion programs can help students, educators and parents