Eating Disorders Education Series with Gaggle
Dr. Lisa joined the Gaggle community again to speak about the sensitive topic of Eating Disorders and how they affect our students. Some helpful tips on warning

Cutting Education Series with Gaggle
Dr. Lisa had the please of joining the educational leaders of Gaggle to speak about the issue of Cutting. There was a lot of valuable and insightful
Cutting Education Series with Gaggle
Dr. Lisa was pleased to join the educational leaders of Gaggle to speak on the topic of Cutting. There was a lot of valuable information shared about

Wake Up America Interview – President Trump Being Locked Out of Social Media
Today on Wake Up America, we reviewed Section 230, technology is our future, we need to teach our next generations how to properly use the

Holiday Blues Education Series with Gaggle
Dr. Lisa joined the Gaggle community to speak about The Holiday Blues and ways to stay healthy and positive this holiday season. They covered some easy and

Dr. Lisa Addresses New Child Exploitation Bill
PRESS RELEASE Dr. Lisa Strohman, Digital Citizen Academy President and Founder: “U.S. Senate online child exploitation bill a welcome start, but much

What is Your Child Watching Online?
It was an honor to present recently on- What is Your Child Watching Online in collaboration with Mountain Youth Community. To view the entire presentation-

FBI Profiling
Sometimes the only way to truly appreciate something is to immerse yourself in it. It was like that with me and law enforcement. Sure I

Dr. Drew Interview with Dr. Strohman/DCA Talks About Netflix’s “Cuties”
Podcast interview on Dr. Drew digging into Netflix Indieflix film Cuties. Also discussions on a new law that affects the LGBT+, lockdown in California vs.

Ask Lisa- March
Dear Dr. Lisa, I feel like my news notifications are constantly bombarding me with upsetting and divisive political campaigns all day, every day taking a

Happy, Not App-y Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day (almost)! No matter how you plan on celebrating, or not celebrating at all, there is no doubt that Valentine’s Day brings a

Disconnect to Destress
It is hard to believe that we are already into the second month of 2020. This time, as with any election year, the political and