How to spot a predator online
With an estimated 950,000 predators that can be online at any given time, shouldn’t you be learning more about how to protect your children? Historically,

Dr. Lisa Contributes to Yahoo Lifestyle!
Dr. Lisa contributes to Yahoo Lifestyle on the topic of CosPlay Therapy as it was featured on the hit HBO Show, Big Little Lies. Read the

5 things that happen when your child plays violent video games
Violent video games like Popular Wars and Fortnite are still getting talked about a lot these days. Kids seem to be drawn to these violent

Signs your child needs a social media time out
It’s the summer and now’s the time that kids are going to be glued to their phones. Children that spend in excess of a few

Ask Lisa: How much time is too much time when it comes to technology use?
Dear Dr. Lisa, This might be a simple question, but how can you tell how much is too much when it comes to technology use?

Dr. Lisa Contributes to the Parenting Site: SheKnows
In this article, Dr. Lisa comments on the reality and popularity of CosPlay therapists and their benefit to some groups in therapy. Read the full

Dr. Lisa on Grand Rapids, MI WOOD Radio
Dr. Lisa is featured on the Grand Rapids, Michigan news station, WOOD Radio, to talk the increase in child technology use during the summer months.

5 tips to keep pre-teen and teenage girls safe online
The world of social media and young girls is a scary one. From predators, to sexting, to cyberbullies and the pressure to be “liked”, girls

7 things parents need to know if their kids are online
Kids going online is a reality, whether they have permission or not. Rather than keep your head in the sand as a parent, it’s important

Dr. Lisa Joins The Laura Ingraham Podcast!
Dr. Lisa joined The Laura Ingraham Podcast to discuss the issue of children having increased exposure to technology and screen time during the summer months.

7 signs social media is negatively impacting your child
Social media is so new, no studies have been done to know what long-term effects it can have on our health and wellness. But, we

The Truth About What Wearables Can Do To You
We all have alerts. The ding. The ring. The buzz. But, have you ever thought about what those alerts on our watches and other wearables