Ask Lisa: How can I cure my child’s digital addiction?
Dear Dr. Lisa, How can you cure digital addiction or addiction to Fortnite in kids? Thanks, Nervous Mom Dear Nervous Mom, Thank you so much

How to navigate fake news with your kids
You’ve probably seen it on Facebook. Someone posts a “news” story that is shocking, maybe scary, but definitely something that you’re going to click on

Finsta: Does your child have a secret Instagram account?
There’s a new trend in Instagram, and your children may not be letting you in on it: Finsta, which stands for Fake Instagram. Finsta is

Is your child crying out for help online?
Is your child crying out for help online? Social media isn’t just a vortex where people scroll endlessly, post selfies and look for inspiration. The

The one documentary every parents with teens should watch right now
One of Netflix’s latest documentaries, Social_Animals dives deep into the world of three teenagers whose lives have changed because of social media. There’s Kaylyn, a

Dr. Lisa Joins Fox and Friends!
Dr. Lisa joins Fox and Friends to discuss the impact that video games are having on children’s brains and what parents can do to help.

Prince Harry seeks ban on Fortnite and we agree
You know there’s an issue when Prince Harry, who has said in the past he’s enjoys XBox and PlayStation, calls for a ban of Fortnite,

Ask Lisa: how can I find out if my daughter is having an online romance?
Hi Dr. Lisa, I’m the mom of a 14-year-old girl and I am worried that she might be having an online romance. She spends a

Dangerous Messaging Apps: 6 Messaging Apps Your Teen Is Using that you need to know about
With new applications and social media sites introduced all the time, it is difficult to stay on top of the potential dangers our children are

Twitter Privacy: What You Need to Know About the Twitter Reporting Update
Twitter and their messy user privacy track-record: In recent years, the tech industry has faced a slew of privacy issues and Twitter is no exception.

5 Things Parents Need to Know About Snapchat
Within the inescapable world of social media, Snapchat is another one of the popular apps included in your teenager’s social media diet. Although it’s prevalent

Is The Momo Challenge a hoax? The danger is real
Various media outlets are saying the Momo Challenge is a viral hoax. So, are children around the world being told subliminally, through graphic, frightening images,