Dangerous Apps: What You Might Not Know
It can be difficult to know if your child is using dangerous apps and what the consequences might be. “In 2013, a twelve-year-old girl was

Encourage Kindness on Social Media
Kindness in the Real World In the real world, kindness is about giving, inspiration, being kind, peaceful, positive, optimistic, showing empathy and compassion. In 2018,

Social Media Challenges: Popular and Dangerous
Over the past few years, social media challenges like the Tide Pod, Cinnamon, Ice and Bird Box Challenge have surfaced. While wildly popular with teens,

Dr. Lisa Appears on MeTime with Frangela
Dr. Lisa joined the fun on-air program, MeTime with Frangela, to answer the question: should you be friends with your kids? She highlights the balance that

What Are The Consequences of Social Media?
Most kids will tell you that they live on their social media because this is the way they all connect with each other. They are

How To Have A Healthy Relationship With Technology–Dr. Lisa’s Tips
Dr. Lisa Strohman on the five ways we can create a healthier relationship with technology. Click the link below to gain access for all of

Remembering Parkland
Part 1 Parkland One Year Ago “It’s not an anniversary anyone wants to celebrate. But as Feb. 14 approaches, schools in Broward and Palm Beach

The Doctors: How to Handle Medical Bill Upcoding
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins The Doctors to share what you can do if you feel that your medical bill is egregious or incorrect. Click this

How Can Parents Protect Their Kids from Cyberbullying?
Did you know that roughly half of teens have been cyberbullied? Considering that 80 percent of kids have access to social media in the palm

Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Your Daughter
PRETEEN GIRLS – LEARNING TO NAVIGATE SOCIAL MEDIA SITES Your preteen daughter and her girl friends come home from school and without so much as

Covington: What Can We Learn?
What’s True? What’s Fake? When it comes to the social media, that’s a commonly asked question. Earlier this month, we witnessed, up close and personal,

Reflections of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Empathy, Sensitivity and Compassion Lagging in the Digital Age
An Important Voice for America It’s a documented and well known fact that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the most important voice of the