Eating Disorders Education Series with Gaggle

Dr. Lisa joined the Gaggle community again to speak about the sensitive topic of Eating Disorders and how they affect our students. Some helpful tips on warning signs and action steps to take when a child is suffering were shared during this webinar. Please take the time to listen to the full webinar here. 

Dr. Drew Interview with Dr. Strohman/DCA Talks About Netflix’s “Cuties”

Podcast interview on Dr. Drew digging into Netflix Indieflix film Cuties. Also discussions on a new law that affects the LGBT+, lockdown in California vs. other states. Is lockdown the right approach with the pandemic and so much more! Listen to the entire podcast HERE Thank you for stopping by, listening and joining The DC […]

7 ways to improve your mental health for World Health Day

7 ways to improve your mental health for World Health Day

Your mental health is incredibly important. It impacts you emotionally, physically, socially, and changes how we act, feel and think. Not only that, but it also contributes to our life choices, how we handle challenges and how we relate to other people. Suffice to say, if your mental health isn’t wonderful, it negatively impacts nearly […]

Signs your child needs a social media time out

Do your kids need a social media time out? Here are the signs, plus what you can do to put them in a time out. For more on how to protect kids online, visit

It’s the summer and now’s the time that kids are going to be glued to their phones. Children that spend in excess of a few hours a day doing non-academic or enriching things like playing violent video games or working to gain followers on social media run the risk of over exposure. Does your child […]

Can We Get PTSD from the Internet?

How is the brain affected by tech? Can we get PTSD from the internet?

Most of us have had occasions where we come across video footage or a photo on our social media feeds that make us feel ill. Briefly viewing horrible images, while traumatic at the time, is usually forgotten quickly as we move through life encoding new happier memories that replace the negative ones. However, if it […]

ADHD and Sleep in Teens

Teenagers already have such a tumultuous relationship with sleep due to the rapid changes that occur physically, mentally and behaviorally during this stage of development. When you consider those that are also dealing with the normal environmental stressors like school pressures and social media, while suffering with ADHD it is no wonder why one of […]

Early Intervention: Children and Technology

Decades of research show us that early intervention for infants, toddlers and young school age children with developmental delays or disabilities positively impacts outcomes across many developmental domains. But what do we know about early intervention in relation to the impact of technology use and  developing children? Parents trying to find balance for their young child and technology, might […]

Brain and Social Media

There have been several articles written about how social media affects the brain. CNN reported recently that researchers at UCLA’s Brain Mapping Center found that when teenagers’ photos get lots of “likes” on social media apps, such as Instagram, their brains respond in a similar way to seeing loved ones or winning money. Dr. Lisa Strohman, Founder and CEO of […]