Remote Schooling Ends, Summer Is Upon Us

Is your child spending too much7 ways social media can negatively impact kids. For more on how to deal with social media use and kids, visit

Summer is almost here and hopefully its arrival will mark the permanent end of remote schooling. Some kids did fine academically, but many others did not. Teachers, struggling with their own anxieties, sicknesses, and family stresses (and having no personal connections to their students) gave everything they had despite the odds being stacked against them. […]

13 Reasons Why is renewed by Netflix and it’s dangerous

Did Netflix's "13 Reasons Why" lead to an increase in suicide? Dr. Lisa Strohman weighs in. For more information on how to keep your kids safe online, visit

The other week kids around the country were dealt a dangerous blow when Netflix renewed the controversial “13 Reasons Why” for its third season. At first glance, it’s a network series that documents the events that lead up to — and after — a teenager’s suicide. But, once you wash away the Hollywood spin on […]

Digital Citizenship: More Important Than Ever

Respect, educate, prevent and protect are commonly associated with digital citizenship.  Today, we are finding these common elements are more important than even when it comes to how students and adults conduct themselves, especially on social media. Digital Citizenship as defined in an article written by Terry Heick, is “The quality of habits, actions, and consumption […]

Brain and Social Media

There have been several articles written about how social media affects the brain. CNN reported recently that researchers at UCLA’s Brain Mapping Center found that when teenagers’ photos get lots of “likes” on social media apps, such as Instagram, their brains respond in a similar way to seeing loved ones or winning money. Dr. Lisa Strohman, Founder and CEO of […]

YouTube Safety: Get Involved

Are you involved with  kids safety online, especially when it comes to YouTube? If so, what tips could you offer other parents about  keeping kids safe on YouTube? What are some safety factors that parents tend to overlook but that are of vital importance to know about YouTube? When using YouTube ask yourself the following: Do you know […]