The Digital Citizen Academy Online Diversion Program is a professionally designed restorative justice program that addresses technology related infractions.

Using a comprehensive and compassionate approach, the Online Diversion Program works to reduce the likelihood of future violations, as well as educate and encourage those who have violated school rules and/or statutory laws that they can make better choices in the future. The Online Diversion Program addresses technology related infractions including: Cyberbullying, Hacking, Inappropriate Posting, Digital Reputation, Technology Addiction, Gaming, Digital Cheating/Plagiarism, and Vaping.
Kids make mistakes on a regular basis when they are growing and challenging rules and boundaries. When those mistakes happen in the virtual world, there are real emotional, social and legal implications that can last a lifetime. Suicide, self-harm, anxiety and depression related to decisions that take a second to make online are sadly a reality for too many kids. The Online Diversion Program was created to provide a safe, thorough online restorative justice program for offenders that allow them to learn from their mistakes.
Once a technology violation has been determined, individuals will be tasked with the specified Online Diversion Program Module for which they have been assigned. Similar to an online driving class or online learning course each individual will be required to complete the program and be issued a certificate upon successful completion. Referring schools, parents and/or agency officials will be issued an independent report that will notify them of successful completion of the program and a determination made whether or not consequences are deferred or reduced.