Dealing With Your Personal Device
It’s important to recognize when your kids get stressed. Stick to routines and schedule technology-free downtime of 15-30 minutes each day, so kids can read, draw, listen to music, or nap. Maybe even go a step further and mark some complete device-free days on the calendar. Finding ways to unwind with fun and entertaining alternatives to technology on these days […]
Echo Dot Dot Dot…
Remember when you first learned how to echo? Maybe you were on a hike and your voice reflected off a wall or mountain. Maybe you were imitating or repeating everything said by your best friend. Maybe you were eliciting a sympathetic response to a sentiment expressed. Echo Dot is a hands-free, voice-controlled device that uses a smart […]
School Shootings: How to Prepare our Kids
ONE school shooting is too many! What are schools across the country doing to improve school safety and avoid school shootings? How are children handling school preparedness? Do students feel safe in school? In response to recent school shootings, school security measures may actually be doing more to scare kids than protect them. It’s worth examining the notion that in our […]
YouTube Safety: Get Involved
Are you involved with kids safety online, especially when it comes to YouTube? If so, what tips could you offer other parents about keeping kids safe on YouTube? What are some safety factors that parents tend to overlook but that are of vital importance to know about YouTube? When using YouTube ask yourself the following: Do you know […]