Is “13 Reasons Why” to Blame for Increase in Teen Suicides?

Did Netflix's "13 Reasons Why" lead to an increase in suicide? Dr. Lisa Strohman weighs in. For more information on how to keep your kids safe online, visit

Once again, Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why” is back in the news. The program, which now has two seasons under its belt, documents the suicide of a misunderstood teen who leaves 13 tapes identifying people and circumstances which ultimately led her to believe there was no way for her to continue living. According to a study […]

What Are The Consequences of Social Media?

consequences of social media

Most kids will tell you that they live on their social media because this is the way they all connect with each other. They are defiantly loyal to the social media platforms they are using which are generally related to the cohort of friends that they hang with. Of course they often change apps when […]

Cyberbullying, Bullying, and Suicide What We Know

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “It is a time to share resources and stories in an effort to shed light on this highly taboo and stigmatized topic.”  Raising awareness about suicidal ideation and offering viable treatment resources and services can offer support to victims and their […]