Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks Kids and Tech with Good Morning Arizona

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Digital Citizen Academy joins KTVK’s Good Morning Arizona to talk with Gina Maravilla about tips for keeping kids from overdosing on technology during the summer break!
Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses Social Anxiety Disorder with Forbes
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center talks to Forbes about Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). She explains how it’s different from awkwardness, how it can impact teenagers, but through cognitive behavioral therapy SAD is treatable. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/TWC_ForbesArticle_6_1_2016.pdf
Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks To .Mic About Socio and Psychopaths

Dr. Lisa Strohman, director Technology Wellness Center discusses the differences between sociopaths and your run-of-the-mill bad egg when it comes to dating. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Lisa_MicSocioPsychoArticle.pdf
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses How Screentime Impacts Our Friendships

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center shares valuable insight into the behavior of today’s kids and their lack of interaction with one another due to screens and devices. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/STORYWORKS-010116-Debate.pdf
Technology Wellness Center Founder Gives Gift Buying Tips

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center shares important information and valuable advice on how to make that parenting purchasing decision when it comes to selecting holiday gifts for the kids for Managed Moms. [dt_button size=”medium” style=”light” animation=”fadeIn” color_mode=”” icon=”fa fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_align=”right” color=”” link=”https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/TWC_ManagedMoms_12_4_2015.pdf” target_blank=”false”]Read Full Article (PDF)[/dt_button]
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses How Social Media Can Make Us Feel Even Lonelier

Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses how digital friends are no replacement for real world connections and how people are finding it more difficult to connect emotionally and interpersonally. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/TWC_Star2_11_13_2015.pdf
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses Ways to Destress Your Life For A 12 News Special

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center discusses how we can reconnect through disconnecting from our technology devices and the how this process can help you destress your life.
Technology Wellness Center Founders Release Their First Book

Dr. Lisa Strohman, and Technology Wellness Center Co-Founder, Dr. Melissa Westendorf have released their first book titled, Unplug: Raising Kids in a Technology Addicted World. The book provides resources such as a sample contract that parents can draw up with their tweens and teens to lay down foundational guidelines that will help establish a healthy […]
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses How To Detach From Technology With The List

Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Digital Citizen Academy provides a list of ways to go more “techless” at work.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses How Human Connection Is Getting Lost Through Tech Devices

Founder of Technology Wellness Center, Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the importance of human connection and how we are losing that capability by being constantly plugged in. https://digitalcitizenacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/TWC_DuluthNewsTribune_10_9.pdf