Gifts of Hope-On and Offline
It’s the holiday season! People of all ages give each other gifts and reach out to show appreciation, gratitude, and compassion for others. Let’s face it, giving makes us happy! A recent article in Time explains how researches find that the being generous can make people happier. Giving gifts of hope on and offline can definitely make us happy too! In addition […]
Managing Technology During Summertime
Summer is coming and with it the promise of exploration, adventure and fun! Summertime gives kids everywhere a chance to take a break from the school year routine and experience a more relaxed, unhurried, less structured few weeks. What’s to prevent a child from experiencing a much needed unhurried pace? Something that might be overlooked, especially by working parents, […]
Impact of Social Media on Learning
Does social media impact learning? Let’s look at the positive and negative impact of social media on learning. Positive impact for learning ~ digital communication skills that need to be mastered including texting, tweeting, and Instagramming can be strengthened. Students are more willing to complete assignments when they can use technology to research and share information, communicate or […]
Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks To Chicago Tribune About The importance of human connection
In an interview with Chicago Tribune, Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the importance of real human connection and how social media is effecting our ability to have in-depth social connections with others.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks About Understanding The Dangers of Technology
Dr. Lisa Strohman, guest blogger for the Managed Moms blog, discusses threats to our children’s wellbeing posed from technology.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Explains Why Physicians Should Unplug
Dr. Lisa Strohman speaks to Physicians Practice and explains why it is vital that physicians unplug from technology. Strohman emphasizes the risk of burnout and why medical professionals need to protect themselves from this especially.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Provides Tech-Balancing Tips
Dr. Lisa Strohman, Scottsdale Health contributor provides tips and tools to help reconnect with loves ones without the use of technology devices.
Dr. Lisa Strohman Educates Cave Creek School Children About Social Media Safety
Dr. Lisa Strohman takes her message to Black Mountain Elementary fifth and sixth grade students and educates them on the dangers of the internet and how to practice social media safety.