ADHD and Sleep in Teens

Teenagers already have such a tumultuous relationship with sleep due to the rapid changes that occur physically, mentally and behaviorally during this stage of development. When you consider those that are also dealing with the normal environmental stressors like school pressures and social media, while suffering with ADHD it is no wonder why one of […]
Smartphones, Social Media and Teens: Benefits, Risks and Radiation?

Teens, across the nation and around the world, will be heading back to school soon. While teens were “relaxing” over the summer, researchers were doing their due diligence by continuing to explore the impact smartphones and social media have on teens. Let’s take a look at what we know and explore some new information that might be helpful […]
Teens of Value Social Media

Knowing why teens value social media is just as important as understanding why teens are taking breaks from social media. Behind teens and social media is purpose driven social media marketing. Not unlike adults, teens desire to be relevant, be a part of a group or community and have value. Unlike when their parents were growing up and had […]
Brain and Social Media

There have been several articles written about how social media affects the brain. CNN reported recently that researchers at UCLA’s Brain Mapping Center found that when teenagers’ photos get lots of “likes” on social media apps, such as Instagram, their brains respond in a similar way to seeing loved ones or winning money. Dr. Lisa Strohman, Founder and CEO of […]